The kit employs magnetic bead-based extraction technology, serving as an efficient, simple, and rapid DNA extraction tool designed to yield high-quality DNA from trace samples. The entire process is safe and convenient, with excellent operational performance, stability, and reproducibility between batches. It boasts stable performance and is suitable for large-scale automated production as well as manual extraction by laboratory personnel.
Advantages of the Kit:
- Wide Applicability:
It can effectively extract DNA from various types of trace samples, such as nails, blood (stains), hair, exfoliated cells, saliva (stains), and more. - Rapid and Efficient:
The experimental procedure is straightforward, enabling the extraction of high-purity DNA in a short time (70 minutes). - Simple and Safe:
There is no need to use phenol and chloroform reagents, and the kit is free from highly toxic chemicals. - Excellent Extraction Performance:
It is capable of extracting high-quality DNA from minimal sample quantities, with good STR balance. The extracted samples can be directly used for subsequent experiments. - 100 tests/kit
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