TargetPlex 51-Gene Fusion RNA Panel – Primer Pool – YST0206 was designed to targets 51 fusion transcripts relevant to lung cancer, including ALK, ROS1, RET, and NTRK1. The primers are designed with the innovative TargetPlex noise-canceling technology to enhance sequencing efficiency improve detection sensitivity down to 1% allelic frequency. This product contains only the TargetPlex primer pool and requires a reverse transcription to prepare the cDNA. Our Panel was optimized with the SenseCare Bio Reverse Transcription Kit for cDNA Preparation – YST0010. You will also need the TargetPlex Library Prep Kit catalog # YST0067 (Illumina compatible) or the catalog # YST0068 (Ion Torrent compatible) kits to complete the library.
Gene list: ( )=number of amplicons
ALK1 (11), ROS1 (17), RET (18), NTRK1 (5). Please inquire as this product is in final development.
TargetPlex FFPE-Direct DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina NGS – YST0067
TargetPlex FFPE-Direct DNA Library Prep Kit for Ion Torrent NGS – YST0068
Reverse Transcription Kit for cDNA Preparation – YST0010
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